Anomaly #0005 (Overall)

Anomaly Surname: "Catedras Ra Malus"

Anomaly Type: "Structure"

Risk to Users: Dangerous

Anomaly Status: Dormant

A frame of Caretaker0fRobloxia's first video where they were about to end their recording of

their failed attempts at making a "good first video" in their starter place.

Anomaly #0005

Anomaly Surname: "Structura Alba"

Anomaly Type: "Structure"

Risk to Users: Neutral

Anomaly Status: Dormant

Anomaly #0005 is a structure that floats in the sky at random locations, usually where players can access it through an invisible bridge, if there are not already any building tools to build to it..

"#0005"'s appearance is that similar to a hollowed out, white cube with one big hole on each side, usually leaving a 2 stud gap between the hole and the frame of the cube. The cube has an infinite forcefield on every beam.

Upon going into "#0005", the cube-like structure will close around the player for around 5 seconds. It then deletes everything about the game it previously existed in, and replaces it with "#0005-A". There are currently no possible ways to revert the changes that "#0005" envokes onto the affected place.

A frame of Caretaker0fRobloxia's first video, during their long exploration of "#0005-A",

while experiencing mild lag.

Anomaly #0005-A

Anomaly Surname: "Catedras Ra Malus"

Anomaly Type: "Game"

Risk to Users: Safe

Anomaly Status: Dormant

Anomaly #0005-A is a large map consisting of a vast forest expanse, and "Catedras Ra Malus" in the exact center of the map. The map consists of nine 512x512 green baseplates in a 9x9 grid, holding up the trees and "#0005-A".

"#0005-A" itself is a well built cathedral with barely any interior decoration. "#0005-A" does not comprise of any toolbox models, so how the "#0005-A" was built is currently unknown.

It is relatively safe to stay around or inside of "#0005-A", as long as the lag does not affect gameplay that much, although the game you were in is gone permanently.

A frame of Caretaker0fRobloxia's first video, with them staring at "#0005-B for an unknown reason,

shortly before they touched "#0005-B."

Anomaly #0005-B

Anomaly Surname: "Inanis Sphaera"

Anomaly Type: "Entity"

Risk to Users: Neutral

Anomaly Status: Dormant

Anomaly #0005-B is a 4x4 floating black welded sphere that sits relatively close in the back of the interior of "#0005-A", usually resting above a carpeted pedestal.

Although "#0005-B" looks like its a singular part that is harmless, it is a very dangerous entity to interact with, if not handled with immense caution. Researching more about "#0005-B" has been troubling as the staff cannot find any other information about this anomaly.

It is noted that upon touching "#0005-B", the world around it is affected, turning everything into a distorted red color, and begins what is known as "#0005-B-Event".

This screenshot was taken from a frame of Caretaker0fRobloxia's first video, with them staring at "#0005-B" for an unknown reason, shortly before they touched "#0005-B".

A frame of Caretaker0fRobloxia's first video, where they found out the consequences of interacting with

"#0005-B" the hard way, initiating "#0005-B-Event".

Anomaly #0005-B-Event

Anomaly Surname: "The Sanguis Red Horologium"

Anomaly Type: "Event"

Risk to Users: Dangerous

Anomaly Status: Dormant

Anomaly #0005-B-Event is an anomalous propety of "#0005-B" that only activates upon a player interacting with "#0005-B" by touch.

Upon beginning, "#0005-B-Event" turns everything within the game into a red-tinted color scheme. Alongside the strange colors, is a clock in the upper left corner that lasts for two minutes straight. It is currently unknown if there is a way to stop the timer.

When the timer reaches zero, "#0005-B-Event" turns the game pitch black, alongside it turning the game's time into night. When this phase of "#0005-B-Event" occurs, the player is then removed from the game entirely, and they can not rejoin the game where "#0005-B-Event" occurred in, along with any other game, until they reinstall their ROBLOX Client.

Update #1: Caretaker0fRobloxia's first video has been recovered, along with proof of "#0005". Here is the link if you want to view "#0005" safely:       The Recovered Footage.

Update #2: Caretaker0fRobloxia's ROBLOX account has been restored, along with a playable, safe version of "#0005" for anyone to experience. Here is the link to the account:       Caretaker0fRobloxia's Account.

"If you see something unusual, it might be an anomaly."