Anomaly #0023

Anomaly Surname: "Orth.lua"

Anomaly Type: "Event"

Risk to Users: Dangerous

Anomaly Status: Unknown

Sicu2op's photos of Orth.lua.

Anomaly #0023

Anomaly Surname: "Orth.lua"

Anomaly Type: "Event"

Risk to Users: Dangerous

Anomaly Status: Unknown

Anomaly #0023 is a very strange and obscure anomaly that is known to make very rare appearances in certain games and at certain times like at [CONTENT HIDDEN] and [CONTENT HIDDEN], the anomaly's most well known appearance is this video done by "MaximumClone688" sent in by [CONTENT HIDDEN].

Most who have seen this video only primarily know this anomaly as taking on the appearance of a strange tall and lengthy green model ingame. The anomaly is well known for bugging out servers and games like forcing players to no longer move and/or crashing the game after heavily bugging out the game or overloading it with errors.

Said anomaly got its name due to in some instances of some server instances getting their code extracted by a group of Lua script kiddies and roblox exploiters known only as [CONTENT HIDDEN], that in said leaked and extracted server logs, said Lua anomaly was referred to as "Orth.lua" amongst the overwhelming amounts of Lua errors being in the server logs.

Orth.lua is also known to some extent to be an extreme infohazard when it comes to people witnessing it, encountering it or etc, henceforth many redactions and omittings of text and names.

Orth.lua is also one of several anomalies that seems to have a massive group of followers that serve and worship it like other examples like "Noli" and etc,

Major names of the groups that "follow" and "serve"/"worship" this anomaly like [CONTENT HIDDEN], [CONTENT HIDDEN], and [CONTENT HIDDEN] are as follows:


There are also rumors and a possibility that Orth.lua is the origins for another anomaly known as "Lua50" considering many followers of this anomaly also worship "Lua50", but further research needs to be done before we can confirm that.

Addendum 1:

Upon further investigation, more footage and screencaps of 0023's existence has been found. Two videos of the same incident from two different perspectives and a couple of screencaps from the third witness were found in regards to an incident on Natural Disaster Survival, somewhere around 12 pm for orangeboxbuy89's timezone [CONTENT HIDDEN], this was all recovered by an anonymous individual with permission from orangeboxbuy89 and Jootario themselves.

The Videos:

orangeboxbuy89's Point Of View
Jootario's Point Of View

One Last Note:

The anomaly also seems to have a heavy effect on corrupting and distorting footage and audio and screenshots of encounters and sightings of it, reasons for the causes of this are entirely unknown.

"If you see something unusual, it might be an anomaly."